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For an Icebreaker I’d like to share something interesting I found online. It’s a list of the top ten most googled questions of the year 2023. What is it that people most wonder about, enough to drive them to their keyboards and ask the great guru Google for guidance. And although there are some discrepancies between the top 10 on different websites, here they are according to one: (
1. How many ounces in a cup?
2. How to download WhatsApp?
3. Where’s my refund?
4. How to calculate my BMI?
5. How to . . .
6. Who is in the NBA playoffs?
7. When are the NBA playoffs?
8. What’s my IP address?
9. How to draw?
10. Where’s the closest pharmacy?
And then, here are some other popular questions asked on the Top 100 list ( :
#31 How to lose weight fast
#34 How to solve a Rubik’s cube
#40 Why were chainsaws invented
#58 When is the next Powerball drawing
#83 How did Elvis die
#86 How to get rid of hiccups
So apparently these are the kinds of things that keep people up at night. I’m not sure what that says about us as a species, but there you have it. Now as important as all those questions are (with sarcasm), they don’t even hold a candle to the most important question in the Book of Revelation, a question I wish more people were concerned about. Do you remember what it is in chapter 6? It’s “Who shall be able to stand”. In the turbulent, dark, perilous conditions of the latter days, is it possible to remain strong, faithful, and at peace? If only more people were concerned about the answer to this question I think we’d be much better off. The reassuring answer to that question comes in chapter 7. And it’s a resounding YES! There will be those that will be able to stand. Remember that a main purpose of the Book of Revelation is to uplift as well as warn. John’s more intimidating chapters, like chapter 6, are frequently interrupted with more encouraging imagery. We CAN stand in the 6th Seal! But how? Let’s find out.
In the spirit of asking questions. Let’s use that as our approach to chapter 7. And here I encourage you to pause the video and read chapter 7:1-12. As you read, I want you to write down at least 3 questions that you have about those verses. That’s the activity I would do with my classes as a teacher and then set aside some time to go verse by verse and allow my students to voice their questions and then, as a class, seek to answer or discuss some possible answers to those questions. Now as the teacher, I would want to be very prepared to anticipate the types of questions that might be asked and be ready for them. However, if somebody asks a question you’re not prepared for, there’s still no need to panic. You can either turn it to the class to ask what they think, tell them that you would like some time to study their question and you’ll get back to them, and then be sure you actually follow through on that promise, or tell them you don’t know the answer but encourage them to study and ponder it out on their own. But what I’ve done here in the video is to assemble some of the questions that I think would be most likely asked and then give you a possible way of answering those questions.
So here we go.
In verse 1, a couple of questions that could be asked?
Who are the angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds?
What does the wind symbolize?
Why are they holding back the winds?
Well we can go to D&C 77 for this one because somebody asked Joseph that very question in the school of the prophets. Here is what he said:
8Q. What are we to understand by the four angels, spoken of in the 7th chapter and 1st verse of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that they are four angels sent forth from God, to whom is given power over the four parts of the earth, to save life and to destroy; these are they who have the everlasting gospel to commit to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; having power to shut up the heavens, to seal up unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness.
These are the angels called to hold back the winds of destruction. That’s what the wind represents. You can see in vs.2 that they have power to save life or to destroy it, to seal up unto life, or to cast down to the regions of darkness. They are angels of judgment. You see this imagery alluded to in D&C 38:12
12 Which causeth silence to reign, and all eternity is pained, and the angels are waiting the great command to reap down the earth, to gather the tares that they may be burned; and, behold, the enemy is combined.
When these angels are released, they will gather the wheat into the barn, and burn the tares. They know the difference between wheat and tares and judge accordingly.
And why are they holding back the winds. They are awaiting the great command. Something needs to be done first, then they will be let loose. What needs to be done? The answer is in the following verses.
Now some questions for vs. 2-3:
Who is the other angel in vs. 2?
Why does he tell the angels not to hurt the earth?
What is the seal of the living God?
Why is it on their foreheads?
Again, D&C 77
9Q. What are we to understand by the angel ascending from the east, Revelation 7th chapter and 2nd verse? A. We are to understand that the angel ascending from the east is he to whom is given the seal of the living God over the twelve tribes of Israel; wherefore, he crieth unto the four angels having the everlasting gospel, saying: Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And, if you will receive it, this is Elias which was to come to gather together the tribes of Israel and restore all things.
So who is the other angel? He is an Elias, which is a title for somebody who prepares the way. And he has a seal in his hand.
Why does he tell the angels not to hurt the earth? He instructs them not to let loose their winds of destruction until he has accomplished his work of sealing.
The implication is that anybody who has the seal in their foreheads will be protected from the destructive winds of the four angels. And really, their focus is not on actually destroying the sea or the trees, but the sea and the trees are representative of peoples and nations on the earth.
This is reminiscent of another time in the scriptures where a group of people was protected from the destroying angel, because a mark had been placed. Do you know what I might be referring to here? The children of Israel at the time of Moses. The destroying angel passed by the homes of those who had the mark of lamb’s blood above their door. This is an allusion to that story.
So if we want to be safe during the latter days, then we need to have that seal placed upon our foreheads.
What is the seal? You’ll have to go to Revelation 14:1 for that answer. And it is the name of the Father. Interesting. If God puts his name on us, what does that say about us? If I write my name on my tools or my backpacking gear, why do I do that? To show they belong to me. So if I have God’s name on me, then that would suggest that I belong to Him. I am his.
Why my forehead? It’s a very visible place to be marked. My commitment to God should be obvious. Also, it may have reference to the clothing worn by the Israelite high priest who wore a plate of pure gold across the cap on his forehead with the words “holiness to the Lord” written on it. (Exodus 28:36-38)
Now some questions from vs. 4-12.
Who are the sealed 144,000?
Why that number?
Who is the great multitude in vs. 9?
Why are they so happy?
Doctrine and Covenants 77 once again. This time vs. 11
11Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe? A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.
So they are high priests. 12 thousand from every tribe. 12,000 times 12 equals 144,000. But remember, don’t take numbers at face value. Some have taken that number literally and have suggested that only 144,000 priesthood holders will be saved at the last day. That’s a pretty small number compared with the population of the church today. In John’s day, to square a number was to complete or perfect it. So to calculate 12 times 12 would be a means of communicating completeness and perfection. And the number 10,000 was often used as a hyperbolic expression meaning “many.” Like we might say, “I went to the concert last night and there must have been a billion people there”. We don’t literally mean a billion. We just mean a lot. Well, 10,000 was like that number for them in John’s day. So the 144,000 suggests a large, complete group of priesthood holders from every tribe, and nation, and kindred and tongue, and people. Meaning that in the last days, there will be many worthy Melchizedek priesthood holders from all over the world. That’s impressive when you think that in Biblical times, there was only 1 high priest from 1 tribe. Not the same story in the last days. Members of all 12 tribes may hold the priesthood. And it’s not just priesthood holders, look in vs. 9 where he adds a great multitude of people to the group.
9 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
Now these would represent all the righteous people of all the earth, and it’s a diverse group of people. I imagine we would see women, and primary children, and teenagers, and seniors, and white and black, and Asian, and South American, and Polynesian, and African all clothed with white robes and palms in their hands, singing praises to God. And why are they so happy? Well let’s come back to that question as we finish up the last few verses of the chapter together.
And to continue our theme of questioning, in verse 13, John is going to be asked two questions by one of the elders that sits around the throne of God. What are those questions?
13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
So, he asks, do you know who these people are, and where they came from?
14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. (Which is kind of a funny answer, uh, you know, why don’t you tell me) And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
So, these are all the disciples of Christ who have endured much. And it’s nice to know that the Lord is aware of the great trials his Saints will and have endured. He knows it’s not easy to live in the turbulent world of the 6th seal. But he’s provided a Savior for us. And our sins can be washed white in the Blood of the lamb. This group of people have felt the full measure of that promise. Their sins have been washed away. No wonder they are so happy.
So now, another very important question for us to consider. Maybe one that some of you asked as you studied. And that is, where and how do I get this seal in my forehead. If it’s the determining factor of whether I survive the last days or not, then I’d better figure out how to get one. And I’ll let you ponder that for a second. Maybe you’ve already figured it out. Where do all these images come together. Sealing, white robes, priesthood, Holiness to the Lord. Have you figured it out? Check your answer against these two verses.
Revelation 7:15
15 Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
And from the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, the first house of God in this dispensation:
Doctrine and Covenants 109:26
26 That no combination of wickedness shall have power to rise up and prevail over thy people upon whom thy name shall be put in this house;
We get the seal, in the temple. So, to finally answer our BIG QUESTION at the end of chapter 6. The most important question of Revelation. Who shall be able to stand? Chapter 7 is the answer. Those that are temple worthy. The winds can blow, the earth can shake, the stars can fall, the sun can turn dark, but the temple worthy will stand, and rejoice, and worship. We don’t need to be afraid in the last days because we have a great place of safety. The great work of the 6th seal is temple work. So that little piece of paper that we receive from our bishops, may mean more than we thought it did. It’s what will keep us safe from the winds of destruction.
The temple is a place of safety from the destructive power and darkness of the world.
So I ask you. Have you received the name of God in his holy house? If you haven’t yet, or it hasn’t been a priority, or you’ve let your temple recommend expire, then I encourage and plead with you to do all that you can to get there, to return to the house of the Lord. And if you do have a current temple recommend, wonderful! I encourage you to go as often as you can. Go and rejoice in the safety and protection that it provides.
That idea of protection is even reflective in the architecture of the Salt Lake Temple itself and many of the other pioneer temples in the Church. If you picture the Salt Lake temple and you were able to just cut off each the spires, what would you say it looks like now? What kind of building? It looks like a castle doesn’t it. Do you see those little shapes on the walls of the temple? The little up and down kind of patten in the stone? Those are called fortifications, or battlements. In medieval times archers would use those kinds of things to hide behind as they stood on the castle walls. Then, they could quickly make their attack and then hide behind them again. Shoot an arrow down at their enemies, and disappear before they could be fired on. Now I don’t think the early pioneers ever planned to defend the temple from enemies with archers up on the wall. It’s a symbolic gesture. It suggests something about the temple. It’s a place of safety. One of the most common associations that you see in the scriptures with the temple the idea of protection. The temple keeps us safe. Or rather, our temple covenants and worthiness keep us safe.
And stand in that case I believe is an active word. It is in our temples that we will make our stand against the adversary and against the world.
And a personal question to ponder: How have you been blessed and protected by the temple?
And as we used to sing in primary, “I love to see the temple.” That’s got to be one of the greatest things about being a member of the Church. That we have these incredible, beautiful buildings to worship in. The fact that they even exist testifies to the nature of the love our Father in Heaven has for us. I believe that, as a spouse, as a parent, as a son, a daughter, a sibling, or grandparent, etc., one of the greatest things you can do to help protect your families from the influence of the adversary and the world is to worship frequently in the temple. Have you felt it’s protective power in your life? I’d like to bear witness that I have. The covenants I’ve made there have given me the strength to stand for truth and righteousness and have helped me to be a better husband, father, son, and disciple of Christ. When I think about all the good that has come into my life because of the temple, I too, like the multitude in chapter 7, want to shout praises heavenward.
Moving on to chapter 8. This is an exciting moment in the narrative of Revelation. Now we’re going to open the seventh and final seal. That act will set in motion the events of the second coming of our Lord.
And unlike all the other seals whose openings and closings are harder to delineate, there is an event that clearly sets the opening of the seventh seal. But it’s missing in the Book of Revelation. Revelation 8 begins with "And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour. There should be another prophecy included before the half hour. And I’m not sure why it’s not there, but maybe it was one of the plain and precious truths removed from the New Testament. But thank heavens for modern scripture. If we go to Doctrine and Covenants 88, we see a more inclusive and linear description of events. Verses 87-92 mirror the prophecies of the chaos of the 6th seal and then announces in vs. 93 that,
93 And immediately there shall appear a great sign in heaven, and all people shall see it together.
The next verse announces the end of the apostasy, and then in vs. 95 we see the prophecy of the half hour of silence.
We also know about this sign from what Jesus Christ told his apostles on the Mt. Of Olives recorded in Joseph Smith-Matthew vs. 36
36 And, as I said before, after the tribulation of those days, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken, then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn; and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory;
I spoke about this extensively back in my video on Joseph Smith Matthew earlier this year, but I believe it bears repeating. What is this sign? I don’t know for sure. But there are some other references and quotes we can go to that can shed some light on this one.
Joseph Smith gives us more detail in the following quote:
. . .then will appear one grand sign of the Son of Man in heaven. But what will the world do? They will say it is a planet , a comet , etc. But the Son of Man will come as the sign of the coming of the Son of Man, which will be as the light of the morning cometh out of the east.
(HC 5:336-37.)
Joseph Smith, Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith
So, we do know that it is a sign that will be seen in the heavens by all people together, some astronomical event that people will try to rationalize away with some scientific planetary explanation. But those that are watching for the sign will know what it is, a sign that Christ is coming soon.
And I’ll make the same suggestion that I made in the other video. I am going to go out on a limb a little and just give you a guess of mine of what the sign could be, but that’s all it is, just a guess. But I feel it’s a good guess because it can be supported with a quote from a prophet and a scripture. But just to be sure, this is my opinion, not doctrine.
But Ezra Taft Benson once said:
“The record of the Nephite history just prior to the Savior’s visit reveals many parallels to our own day as we anticipate the Savior’s second coming”.
Ezra Taft Benson
(CR, Ap. 1987, p 3)
So, there are many parallels between what happened to the Nephites before their great destruction and visitation from the Savior, and our great destruction and visitation of the Savior. And I would ask you to think back if there were any signs given to them prior to his coming, that were astronomical in nature, and seen by all, and rationalized away by the unbelievers? The day and the night, and the day of light, that Samuel the Lamanite prophesied. or the sun going down and it not getting dark for a whole night that we find in 3 Nephi 1. Could we see a repeat of that miracle? Maybe. The Book of Zechariah in the Old Testament, which is a book focused on the second coming, there is a scripture that perhaps alludes to this, it says in Zechariah 14:6-7 :
6 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the light shall not be clear, nor dark:
7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass, that at evening time it shall be light.
Anyway, do with that what you will, just an opinion.
So this sign clearly delineates the opening of the 7th seal and sets in motion the events that will eventually climax in the visitation of the Savior. Then after that great sign, we have the half hour of silence, which takes us back to the narrative of Revelation chapter 8. But what does that mean? a literal half hour? Probably not. Remember this is the Book of Revelation. Numbers are not what they seem. I believe it just indicates a relatively short period of time. Now that short period of time could be a number of years. If we make a parallel with what happened to the Nephites, as Ezra Taft Benson suggested, they too had a period of “silence" between the appearing of the sign and the great destruction preceding Christ’s appearance. How long was theirs “silence”? 34 years. And I’m not suggesting that this will be the same with us, but maybe it will be 25 years, or 52 years, or 87 years. Whatever it is, it will be a relatively short period of time in relation to the history of the world. And the purpose behind the silence? I’m not sure that either. Perhaps it’s a dramatic pause, a silence of finality, or more hopefully, a silence of longsuffering, where Christ is offering the inhabitants of the earth one last period of time in which to repent and change. I mean, he really wants all of his children to be able to partake in the wonders of the millennium
After the Sign of the Son of Man and the silence, seven angels are given seven trumpets with which they will each blow in turn. And the way we’re going to cover this is with a Personal study guide. As a teacher I might give my students the following handout to help guide them through some of the symbols and ideas covered in Revelation chapters 8-10. It’s a study guide with a number of questions that cover the material in these chapters. If you like, you could try them before listening to this next portion of the video. Then you can come back and see how your answers compare.
1. What element is the major cleansing agent of the seventh seal? (8:7/ 8:8/8:10/8:12/9:2/9:17)
Answer: There are three major cleansing agents in the Bible. Water, Fire, and Blood. Water washes, fire purifies, and blood atones. The earth was once cleansed by water in the great flood of Noah’s day. According to those verses, destruction follows each sounding trumpet. And what apparently is the most popular cleansing agent of choice in the last days? Fire. Fire will be the major cleansing element. In this case it is a destructive fire. And, I’m not going to necessarily take this one literally. Perhaps there will be actual burning, but perhaps John is referring to a different kind of fire. The fire of anger, the fire of hatred, the fire of violence? It brings to mind this verse in 1 Nephi 22:17
17 Wherefore, he will preserve the righteous by his power, even if it so be that the fulness of his wrath must come, and the righteous be preserved, even unto the destruction of their enemies by fire. Wherefore, the righteous need not fear; for thus saith the prophet, they shall be saved, even if it so be as by fire.
Therefore, fire both destroys and saves. The wicked are destroyed by it, the righteous preserved. Like separating the gold and silver from the dross.
2. What is the common portion of destruction on all areas of the earth? 8:7-12.
Answer: A third part
What does that mean? It could just mean that the destruction is not total. It’s localized. God will not destroy all or even a majority, but there will be some. Another compelling theory is this. How many kingdoms of glory are there? 3, Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial. Doctrinally speaking, who will be spared the destruction of the second coming? We know that both Celestial, and Terrestrial people will be spared and live through the millennium. Who will be destroyed? The Telestial, the third part are destroyed? That’s one way of looking at it. Maybe.
3. Who do you think is the fallen star with the key to the bottomless pit in 9:1 and 9:11?
Answer: I think we are pretty safe to assume that it’s Satan. In vs. 11 he’s given two more names. Abaddon and Apollyon, both of which mean destruction in Hebrew and then in Greek. Remember parallel images. Jesus held the keys to death and hell. Satan has a key as well, to where? The bottomless pit. And smoke billows out of the pit and blocks out the light. An allusion to temptation, or hatred, anger, greed? Just like Lehi’s vision of the tree of life where those things were represented by a mist of darkness that blinded the eyes of those who were attempting to get to the tree of life.
4. What destructive force do you think is represented by the strange locust creatures that come out of the smoke of anger and hate described in 9:7-10?
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men.
8 And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.
9 And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle.
10 And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months.
Locusts suggests a large overpowering force that leaves destruction in its wake. Shaped like horses suggests speed and strength, the crowns on their heads suggest conquering, the faces of men suggest intelligence and cunning, the women’s hair or long hair was often a sign of strength and brute power on a man. Think Samson. Lion’s teeth suggest ferocity and aggression, the breastplates suggest invincibility, the sound of chariots suggest that they are an unstoppable and unyielding force, and scorpions tails suggest that they are intent on inflicting pain. Put all of this together and what destructive force is John describing here? What unnatural, devastating, and terrifying force could it be? It’s war. One of the greatest means of destruction preceding the second coming will be war. It is the major cleansing element. We’ll talk about this idea more later in Revelation when we talk about Armageddon.
If you think of the three cleansing agents of the Bible, water, fire, and blood, it’s easy to see the parallel imagery. Remember, looking for contrasts is part of our KEY to understanding Revelation. All three make an appearance in these chapters. So I can be cleansed by the water of baptism or drowned in the flood of destruction, I can be purified by the fire of the Holy Ghost, or burned in the fires and smoke of hatred and anger, I can be atoned for by the blood of the Lamb, or my blood can be spilt in war.
Well, we can’t cover it all, so now we’re going to jump to the end of chapter 10 where we have this great little set of verses with another powerful symbolic scene.
Our next question then:
5. In 10:8 John sees an angel with a little book. What does that book represent? (See D&C 77:14 and Revelation 10:11)
14 Q. What are we to understand by the little book which was eaten by John, as mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation?
A. We are to understand that it was a mission, and an ordinance, for him to gather the tribes of Israel; behold, this is Elias, who, as it is written, must come and restore all things.
And then verse 11 tells us:
11 And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Answer: It represents a mission. So this is a mission call. If I were teaching a class, I might have some of you share what it was like to get your mission call. How did you feel?
6. What does the angel have John do with the book?
Answer: He tells him to eat it. So John eats the book, or in this case, it would be a scroll.
7. Why do you think he has him do that? What do you think that means?
Like Nephi said, feast upon the words of Christ. The idea of eating something suggests that you are internalizing it, taking it in to you. It nourishes you, sustains you, and becomes a part of you. I think I would encourage any person about to serve a mission to devour their mission call
8. Why do you think it was both bitter and sweet?
I think anybody who has put forth effort to do any form of missionary work can understand this one. For those who have served a full-time mission, I would ask you, “Was there anything bitter about your missionary service?” I know I would answer yes. It was hard. Extremely challenging mentally, physically, and spiritually. And, the people who rejected us right off the bat didn’t really bother me. That kind of rejection was manageable. What was most hard is when we would start teaching a person and family, and they would be excited and receive our message gladly and we’d get really excited for them and start to love them. And then, out of the blue, one day they would tell us not to come back, or they’d hide from us. That was the hardest form of rejection for me. So yeah, it was bitter. Serving a mission is not a warm fuzzy feeling 24/7. However, on the other hand, I would also ask if there was anything sweet about missionary work? And for me, absolutely. I would even say that the sweet far outweighed the bitter. The people I got to teach, the Spirit I felt, the friendships I created, the skills I gained, the experiences I enjoyed, the closeness with my Heavenly Father and the strengthening of my testimony that came as a result. Now, can you think of any better adjective to describe missionary work: It’s bittersweet. That’s what John would say. And you don’t have to serve a full-time mission to experience the bittersweetness. Any effort you expend in this life to share the gospel with others is going to reflect that quality. This little symbolic scene can teach us a lot about sharing the gospel with others.
And that completes our study guide for chapters 8-10.
But now chapter 11. This is a more difficult chapter and all I’d like to do with it is give a quick summary and a few insights. This is the oft quoted prophecy of the two witnesses that are slain in Jerusalem who rise to life again after three days of lying in the streets . Now, Joseph Smith very clearly places this prophecy in the realm of the literal in Doctrine and Covenants 77 where he says:
15Q. What is to be understood by the two witnesses, in the eleventh chapter of Revelation? A. They are two prophets that are to be raised up to the Jewish nation in the last days, at the time of the restoration, and to prophesy to the Jews after they are gathered and have built the city of Jerusalem in the land of their fathers.
And that’s all Joseph gives us, so I’ll leave it at that and not even try to speculate on the how’s and who’s and when’s of that prophecy. But, I always feel on safer ground when we take a look at the possible figurative meanings we can draw from it. Now in verse 4, John compares these witnesses to two olive trees and two candlesticks. If you want to understand that allusion better, I invite you to read Zechariah chapters 3 and 4 in the Old Testament. Here Zechariah also speaks of two olive branches and a candlestick. This was the time when the Israelites had been conquered by the Babylonians and many had been exiled to the East. But they were allowed to return and reestablish the temple and Jerusalem. You might remember that from last year. Two men led the way back, Joshua, the high priest, and Zerubbabel, the heir to the throne. Priest and King. They both face opposition, but in the end, they conquer. Perhaps this chapter could suggest that in the last days, God will raise up our own Joshua’s and Zerubbabel’s—spiritual leaders that will guide us through the opposition and help us to conquer. I see every prophet from Joseph Smith to Russell M. Nelson in this prophecy. They have all faced opposition from the world, but they have guided us through it, and established temples and stakes of Zion all over the world. And that’s all I’m going to do with chapter 11 I’m afraid. I hope that gave you at least a little something to work with in understanding that prophecy.
Well, now we get into chapter 12, one of the most important and symbolically rich chapters in the whole book. I love it. And for this one, I’d like to walk you through it verse by verse, which is probably how I would teach it. Pausing at certain symbols and asking my students to ponder their meanings. But you’re going to want to read it in the full Joseph Smith Translation lengthy excerpts section in the appendices of your Bible.
But for an icebreaker to this section, since this chapter is so visual in nature, I find it a good opportunity to do a more creative kind of activity with my students. I call it “Quick Pictures”. And this activity will be especially good for those of your students who are more artistically inclined. But even those that aren’t can still have fun illustrating the imagery of Revelation chapter 12. And what you do is give each student a canvas to work on, or a handout that I’ll make available to you. There are 6 different verses they can be assigned, and each handout has their assigned verse displayed at the top and then a space for them to draw what they envision John is describing there. And then I’d provide my students with pencils, pens, colored pencils, crayons, or markers to draw their illustrations. And you’re going to want to limit the amount of time they have to draw because you also want to make sure there’s sufficient time to discuss the content of chapter 12. I would probably give them ten minutes and no more than 15, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but just let them know that these aren’t going to be detailed works of art. They’re quick pictures. Stick figures are ok. Simple drawings of what they envision. And then, as you cover chapter 12, invite those students that were assigned to the verse you’re covering to come up and display their pictures to the rest of the class.
If you’re teaching adults or don’t prefer to do that activity, here’s an alternate way to begin a study of this chapter.
I would say: You may know that the Nauvoo temple had sun stones, moon stones, and star stones on it. The Salt Lake Temple has them as well. Without looking up a picture of them, What order do they go in from bottom to top? What would you guess? Usually, the most popular guess is stars, moon, sun. Makes sense right? But when I tell them that’s wrong, the next guess is usually the reverse. Oh, well then it must go Sun, moon, stars? But again, you’d be wrong. I suppose we guess that because we imagine that they are symbols of the different kingdoms. Telestial, Terrestrial, and Celestial, therefore, you would guess that the stones go in some variation of that order. But I’d ask, “Why would we want a symbol of the Telestial kingdom on our temple”? Read Revelation 12:1 for the correct order and the symbol that inspired the architecture.
1 And there appeared a great sign in heaven, in the likeness of things on the earth; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.
With that in mind, what is the order? Moon, Sun, and Stars. The woman has the moon under her feet, she is clothed with the Sun, and she wears a crown of twelve stars on her head. Moon, sun, stars. What does she symbolize? The church. We talked about this idea back in the epistles of John with the three sets of parents. Here is Christ’s symbolic bride.
Why is this a good symbol for the church?
Well, she embodies the three great sources of light. The sun, the moon, and the stars. And those three sources of light are all very different. The light of the sun is bright, powerful, life giving, glorious, and constant. The light of the gospel matches that description. The light of the moon, is soft, gentle, peaceful, and beautiful. This is also a good description of the church and its gospel. It brings peace and beauty into our lives. Then the crown of 12 stars no doubt represents the 12 apostles. We’ve already mentioned that stars provide a different kind of light. A guiding light, a navigating light. So too do our apostles and prophets provide us with that guidance.
vs. 2-3
2 And the woman being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
3 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up unto God and his throne.
So the woman is pregnant. And who would the child be? The guess made is usually Jesus Christ. But that’s not it. Remember, Christ is the husband in this symbolic relationship, so he can’t be the child too. What is it that the church and Christ wish to bring forth to the world? You can check your answer in vs. 7. There we find that the child is the kingdom our God and his Christ. That child has a name. It’s Zion. The purpose of the church in every dispensation has been to create Zion, the city of God. And it’s ultimate destiny is to be caught up unto God and his throne. The city of Enoch would be a prime example of this.
And he is to rule all nations with a rod of iron. Well, you probably can figure that symbol out just be thinking of Lehi’s dream. What is the iron rod? The word of God. Zion rules by God’s word, not by fear, or intimidation, or brute force.
4 And there appeared another sign in heaven; and behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman, which was delivered, ready to devour her child after it was born.
The kingdom of God is not going to grow without opposition. Who is the red dragon? Take a guess and then check your answer in vs. 8. It’s Satan.
Why is Satan and his kingdom depicted by a dragon with seven heads? One idea. Evil has many faces, but it’s all the same heart. They could represent different types of sin attacking us from different directions. If Satan can’t get us with the sin of adultery, maybe he can succeed with anger. If he can’t get us with the sin of pornography, maybe he can succeed with pride. If he can’t get us with the sin of greed, maybe he can succeed with gossip. Satan has many weapons in his arsenal, the worst strategy in facing a foe like this would be to focus all our attention on just one of the heads. Rather, we must be prepared to face all of them at the same time and be always on our guard. Also, In John’s time many nations had opposed and conquered Israel in turn. Each was a unique enemy, but it was all the same heart. The Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Greeks, and the Romans all took turns trying to devour the child. In our day, dictatorship, Nazism, Communism, Terrorism, are all very different faces of evil, yet they are all inspired by the same source. In a later chapter. In 13:3 one of the heads of evil is wounded, yet it is healed and continues to fight. It reminds us of the Hydra of Greek mythology. You cut off one of the heads and two grow back. Yes, the hissing head of Nazism was cut off, but what grew back in its place? Communism, well that was all but wiped out at the end of the last century, but what has taken its place? Militant Islam and terrorism. And if we ever solve that problem in our world, what can you bet is going to happen? Another head of evil will take its place. The dragon stands with an open mouth, ready to devour the child. Satan will do everything in his power to keep Zion from being established. He has fought it for ages, and will continue to do so.
Verse 5
5 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore years.
And I will include vs. 14 which is a repetition of the same idea
14 Therefore, to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might flee into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
What would the wilderness be? Apostasy. You see this imagery in Jacob 5 and Doctrine and Covenants 86. I’m sure John understood all too well what the church being driven into the wilderness was all about because he was an eyewitness to it. At this time, he had already seen forces at work corrupting the church. We have some interesting numbers here again.1260, and then we have a time, and times, and half a time. How do we interpret those. Well they are basically the same measurement. 1260 days would be 3 1/2 years. The other expression is the same, time=1 year, times=2 years, and half a time= 1/2 a year. 3 1/2 years. In Revelation 11 and 13 we have the time frame of 42 months. Again, 3 1/2 years. What’s the significance of that time. It’s an Old Testament reference to Elijah. When he was being opposed by Jezebel and most of the nation, he called a famine upon the land where there was no rain for 3 1/2 years. Jesus refers to this time frame in Luke 4:25 and James also in James 5:17. Three and a half years symbolizes a time of persecution, contention, or a time of spiritual famine, apostasy.
Now Joseph Smith changes the 1260 days to years, but I don’t think that really alters the meaning much. Perhaps it just augments the fact that this was no ordinary apostasy, but a Great and far-reaching apostasy.
One more thought from vs. 14. It says the woman was nourished in the wilderness during that time. Interesting. She doesn’t die in the wilderness. She’s nourished there. Yes, the early Christian church did devolve into apostasy. However, not all the precious truths of the gospel were destroyed. The writings of the early church, though altered, still maintained the basic teachings of Christ, the ordinance of baptism, though changed, still existed, the sacrament, the resurrection, the importance of faith survived. That’s why I’m grateful in a way for the Catholic and Orthodox Church’s, and the reformers who didn’t allow the woman to die. I think that’s why it’s possible for me to still feel the Spirit in European cathedrals and looking at religious art from that time depicting scenes from the Savior’s life. They had a corrupted gospel and many misunderstandings, but many of them loved Jesus and maintained an understanding of his truths. In the New World, the woman died. There was really nothing left of the church in the Americas when the Western world discovers it. But in the Old World, she survived. She survived enough to make it possible for a fourteen-year-old American boy to read James 1:5 and be inspired to pray about a true church. So, in a way, I feel we owe a debt of gratitude to those faithful monks, nuns, priests, and Christian disciples throughout the time of the Great Apostasy for keeping the woman alive during her sojourn in the wilderness.
Well, you should view vs. 6-13 then as a parenthetical section. As John ruminates on Satan’s opposition to the church in the last days, his thoughts are called to rest upon another time when Satan opposed God and his people, the pre-mortal existence. As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, these verses are doctrinally significant to us. What happened in that pre-mortal realm? I invite you to read the rest of the chapter with this question in mind:
What do we learn about the dragon, or Satan?
I won’t read through the entire text of this section with you, but allow me to point out a few insights.
First thing we learn about Satan is that he rebelled and made war with God. We know that doesn’t mean an actual war; I mean what sense does a physical conflict make when we were only spirits. This was a war of words and wills. The conflict? Would you follow the Father’s plan or rebel with Lucifer?
We learn that Lucifer did not prevail and was cast out along with all those who followed him. Where were they cast? To earth. Here. And what are they doing? They continue to make war on the sons and daughters of God and are a major source of temptation.
We learn that he is a deceiver.
In verse 10 we get one of the most fascinating titles for Satan. Satan is the accuser of our brethren. What an interesting title? Why is he called the accuser? I don’t know. But something that Satan did or said in the premortal world earned him that title. What was his accusation? I don’t know. Was it an accusation against those who chose to put their faith in God, Christ, and his plan that we wouldn’t be able to live up to the Lord’s commandments? An accusation that Christ wouldn’t be able to fulfill his role as Savior? An accusation that God’s plan was not fair. Whatever it was, he forever became known as the great accuser. And an accuser he continues to be. He is always ready to shout our faults and unworthiness in an effort to discourage us. He’s ready to have us condemned for the very things he has enticed us to do.
In vs. 12, He is angry. 3 Nephi 11:29 tells us that the is the father of contention.
He knows he has but a short time. In terms of eternity this world’s existence is short. He knows he can’t win the war in the end, but he can win you. His goal is to bring as many others to his misery as possible before his time runs out.
And in vs. 13, he persecutes the church.
Now out of the parenthesis, John returns to the last days where The dragon spews a giant flood after the woman. What is the significance of the flood coming out of his mouth. Remember parallel images. In chapter 1, the sword of the word of God and truth came out his mouth, but a flood issues from the mouth of dragon. This is a destructive flood. A flood of lies? False doctrine? Accusation? Discouragement? All the corrupt communication that flows from the adversary. Luckily the earth opens up to protect her, which further angers him as he continues to make war with the Saints.
We’ve fought this battle before. The war in heaven became the war on earth. And what is the war over? The exact same issue. It’s still the same question. Are you going to follow God’s plan, or rebel with the adversary. Will you choose the woman or the dragon? And there is a promise inherent in that comparison. Just as Satan was cast out of our presence there, one day we may rest assured that he will be cast from our presence again. We won’t have to face him forever.
I’ve saved this final question for last. How are we going to overcome the dragon? If you were to make a wager based on appearances as to who would win this battle, who would you choose? A pregnant woman or a Seven headed dragon? You’d probably pick the dragon. But you’d be wrong. The dragon loses in the end. And maybe there is some message in that. Yes, it often appears that Satan has the upper hand. He seems in control of our world, he’s intimidating, powerful. But he will lose. The woman and the child will cast him out eventually. But what about us? He may defeat us. So how do we overcome him? Well, the same that way we overcame him in the premortal existence. The answer is in vs. 11, and 17. We have each been given three very powerful weapons. Can you find them?
11 For they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; for they loved not their own lives, but kept the testimony even unto death. Therefore, rejoice O heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
17 Therefore, the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
What are they?
The Blood of the Lamb
The word of our testimony
And in vs. 17 our obedience. And then testimony is repeated.
That is how we win this battle. Our confidence in the power of the Blood of the Lamb to cleanse us from our sins. We don’t need to be afraid of the accusations of unworthiness from the adversary because we are washed clean in Christ’s blood. Our testimonies and faith will help us to overcome, and our obedience to God’s commandments will protect us. We won once before, and if we fight with the same winning tactics and weapons, we will enjoy the same result.
As I wield the weapons of testimony, the Atonement, and obedience, I can conquer the red dragon of the adversary.
So now I invite you to take a moment of introspection. Ask yourself, “How am I farng in this battle? Am I fighting valiantly for the Lamb? Am I seeking to bring forth the child of Zion to the world? How have these “weapons” helped you to stand against the power of the dragon? The Atonement, my testimony, and my obedience.
Well I’ve seen the power of all three in my life. I’m so grateful for the blood of the Lamb because Satan has wounded me many times in this fight. The dragon has bit me more times than I care to admit. But because of the healing elixir of Christ’s blood, I have been miraculously healed and enabled to continue my fight. My testimony has served me well as I’ve wielded it as a weapon of faith in the face of lies and accusation, and it has had the power to cut through every one of them. And my obedience protects me daily like a great shield from the consequences and misery of sin. Therefore, I encourage all of us to get out there and slay that dragon!
