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Lesson Notes for Acts 1-5 "Ye Shall Be Witnesses"

Benjamin Wilcox

ICEBREAKER How do you typically react to your alarm clock? Ever gotten physically violent with your alarm clock? Are you grateful for your alarm clock?

TRANSITION Today we will talk about some Latter-day alarm clocks. Witnesses that have been sent specifically by a loving Father in Heaven to “wake us up” spiritually. Some react negatively to these witnesses, and some positively. Lets find out which you are. The Book of Acts begins with the resurrected Jesus Christ leaving behind his disciples to continue His work of building up His kingdom and church on the earth.

Q: Can you find two of the witnesses that he sends in Acts 1:2? A: the Holy Ghost, and the Apostles. We are immediately introduced to the way that Jesus Christ is going to lead his church when he is not there physically himself. He is going to give instructions and commandments to his church through his chosen prophets and apostles by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And if had to choose just one verse of scripture that truly captures the theme of Acts 1-5 and indeed much of the book of Acts itself, I would show my students Acts 5:32: which says:

32 And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.

So lets start with The Apostles and Prophets as witnesses.

They’re role as witnesses can be seen in every single one of these chapters as shown in Acts 1:8, 1:22, 2:32, 3:15, 4:33, 5:32. Each chapter has the apostles declaring themselves as witnesses of Christ.

And Before Jesus Christ ascends into heaven he gives them what I call the three P’s. Power, Purpose, and a plan.

Q: Can you find those three things in Acts 1:8? The power is the power of the Holy Ghost Their purpose, is to be witnesses. And their plan, is to spread the gospel starting at Jerusalem, then expanding into all of Judea and Samaria, then into all the world.

Our living apostles have the same three p’s as well.

READ Acts 1:9-11

Q: What do you think the angels meant by this question?


3. Then don’t stand idly looking on; The fight with sin is real. It will be long but must go on; Put your shoulder to the wheel.

Display the following questions and ask your listeners to find the answers as you or selected class members read Acts 3:1-11.

QUESTIONS 1. A man has a problem in these verses. What is it? 2. What specific blessings came to this man? 3. What did that man have to do in order to receive those blessings?

ANSWERS 1. The problem is that he has been lame from birth, he can’t walk 2. The blessings: Well, through the power of Peter and John, He is lifted up, immediately receives strength, he leaps, he is lead into the temple, praises God, and is healed 3. What did he have to do? They may struggle with this one and may even guess that he didn’t have to do anything, but that’s not entirely accurate. If they have trouble finding the answer send them to vs. 4 and ask what Peter instructed him to do. And it is “Look on us”. And it wasn’t until the man “gave heed” unto them that he was healed.

LIKEN What do you feel this story teaches us about looking on the prophets and heeding them?

TRUTH When I have problems in my life, if I look to the prophets and heed them, I can be healed spiritually, lifted up, immediately receive strength, and be led to the temple to praise God with joy. You could even add the following phrases from 3:16 (made strong, and had perfect soundness) and 4:9 (made whole).

APPLY Have any of you ever seen one of these blessings come into your life because you were willing to look on and heed the prophets?

QUICK SEARCH Q: What do these verses teach you about prophets and apostles? And here is what they might come up with:

Acts 1:14 They act in unity Acts 2:11 They speak about the wonderful works of God Acts 2:28 They make known to us the ways of life, and fill us with joy. Acts 4:8 They are filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 4:13, 29, 32, 33 They speak with boldness and power. Acts 4:16 They perform notable miracles Acts 4:18-20 They cannot be controlled by the world. They speak the things they have heard and seen. Acts 5:12 By their hands, many signs and wonders are wrought Acts 5:29 They obey God rather than men Acts 5:42 They cease not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

APPLY Q: Have you ever seen the apostles and prophets of our day do any of these same things?

ACTS 2-Day of Pentecost

Q: What two symbolic elements is the Holy Ghost represented by in vs 2-3? A: wind and fire.

Q: Why wind? * Can’t see it but you can feel it. * It can be powerful or soft * Not controlled by man * It produces power and movement

Q: Why fire? * Gives light (guidance, understanding) * Provides warmth, sometimes feeling the spirit is described as a burning in the bosom or an overall feeling of warmth * Provides comfort * Fire purifies * It can spread

Q: What does verse 4 teach you about the Holy Ghost? 2:4. It can enable you to do miraculous things.

Show map of New Testament times with arrows pointing to areas people are from. Allusion to how the gospel would go to all the world

Q: Acts 2:17-18 What do these verses teach you about the Holy Ghost? A: 2:17 The spirit is for everybody, male and female, young and old.

Q: The Holy Ghost can have one of two effects on your heart when we are spiritually asleep, what are they in Acts 2:37 and Acts 5:32-33? A: Pricked or Cut, Pricked leads us to ask “What shall we do?” Cut, causes us to try and silence the testifier. Also seen in Jarom 1:12 and 1 Nephi 16:2

REVIEW The Holy Ghost is like wind. The Holy Ghost is like fire. The Holy Ghost can enable us to do miraculous things. The Holy Ghost can be poured out on anybody. The Holy Ghost can inspire you to change for the better.

APPLY Q: Have you ever had an experience with the Spirit where you felt one of these truths in your life?

CONCLUSION The Lord needs us to be spiritually awake and working to prepare ourselves and others for His return. When the alarm clocks of the Prophets and the Holy Ghost ring, I pray that we will wake up and act on their council and promptings. If we do, I know we will be made strong and whole. But if we choose to hit the snooze button, or seek to silence it, we may find ourselves unprepared for His return. May we all wake up and heed the witnesses He has sent us.


Acts 1:15-26: Description of the 11 apostles choosing a new apostle to fill the vacancy that Judas Iscariot left behind. An interesting indicator that God always intended the leadership of the church to continue. And here we see the process they go through to fill those shoes. I would encourage you to go into this section asking yourself What role each of these play in choosing leaders in the church? * Scripture * Prayer * Discussion * Qualifications of the individual * Trust in Lord * The Spirit

Acts 3:6 Silver and Gold have I none, but such as I have give I thee.

Sometimes people come to us asking for some kind of help or blessing, our children, our family members, our ward members or friends, and we want to give them what they are asking of us. As a bishop, people come in asking for help with their children, or their marriages, or their faith, or some desired blessing. And I wish that I could give it to them, I would if I could, but sometimes we don’t have the ability to fix their problems in the way that they are asking. But we don’t have to abandon them, or just say, sorry, can’t help you. We can say, silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I unto thee. I will give you what I can give you. And sometimes that’s counsel, hope, encouragement, love, or our support. But we should seek to give what we can.

Acts 5:1-11 Ananias and Sapphira Smitten by their own conscience? We cannot lie to God Dishonesty is serious When we lie we give up the ghost, the Holy Ghost

Acts 5:34-40 The Gamaliel Solution. When you come across people who don’t share your beliefs, refrain from them, let them alone, if they are wrong, it will come to nought. Cross reference to JSH 1:28 Be friends Treat them kindly In an proper and affectionate manner endeavor to reclaim them

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Aug 08, 2019

I just found you and would like to go back to the beginning and listen to them all. How can I do that?

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