Galilean fisherman called by Jesus Christ to lead the church after his death and resurrection.
1 and 2 Peter both written around 62-64 AD, most likely from Rome.
Written at a time of great persecution of Christians by Rome under the Emperor Nero
Peter was eventually crucified by the Romans.
Joseph Smith said: “Peter penned the most sublime language of any the apostles” Joseph Smith Jr., (History of the Church 5:392)
Show them video “Mormon Misunderstanding” at Studio C.
Q: Have you ever felt like this?
Q: Have you ever felt your beliefs were misunderstood?
Q: Have you ever been treated differently because you were a member of the church?
Q: Have you or your beliefs ever been called strange or unusual?
See if you can find each of them in the following verses. 1 Peter 1:2, 2:5, and 2:9 I can see at least 8. And I’ll give you the first letter to each to help you out.
Lively Stones
A Spiritual House
A Holy Priesthood
A Chosen Generation
A Royal Priesthood
A Holy Nation
A Peculiar People
Q: Which one is your favorite and why.
Peculiar People: Take a look at footnote 9f for an explanation of what the original Greek word suggested. And it says that peculiar means: purchased, preserved; note that in Ex 19:5 the Hebrew word is Segullah, meaning special possession or property. So Peter isn’t saying their strange, but special and precious. And how does that make you feel? Hopefully pretty good.
"Thus we see that the scriptural term peculiar signifies 'valued treasure,' 'made' or 'selected by God.' For us to be identified by servants of the Lord as his peculiar people is a compliment of the highest order."
Russell M. Nelson
(in Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 44; or Ensign, May 1995, 34).
1 Peter 1:6-7 to see evidence of persecution at time of 1 Peter
Q: Can you think of any examples of persecution against the church today?
Possible Answers
Our values and beliefs are mocked
Constant criticism from media of brethren and church policy
Mocked in popular culture
Anti-church material all over social media and internet
Q: When have you faced persecution or mocking because of what you believe? Please Share
What we face now is nothing compared to what the members in Peter’s day are facing, or in early church history, or what some members in certain countries still face. We do have it pretty good nowadays and are protected by certain laws as far as physical persecution is concerned. But we still face great opposition and criticism, and it’s mounting. The closer we get to the 2nd Coming, the stronger the pressure will be. It’s easy to get discouraged in the face of that increasing PSI. The books of 1-2 Peter are going to help us get through it. The suggestions that Peter is going to give to help encourage and instruct them are also applicable to us. What should we do when faced with opposition to our faith? What will help us not to get discouraged. I’d like to point out 4 counsels. There are others, but I’d like to cover just 4.
The first one we’ve already covered in the introduction to the lesson and that is "Remember that you are Segullah". Peter wanted to remind these suffering saints that they were a special, precious, holy, royal, chosen people. And that was a particularly comforting message to the Gentile converts to the church. Peter is using all kinds of Old Testament terms and words and metaphors to describe them. In an essence connecting the Gentiles to what was beforehand, strictly exclusive to the Jews. He’s saying that they are part of the family of God, a part of God’s chosen people, precious and holy before him. That kind of helps to know that! And the message is never “you’re better than everyone else”, that would be a huge prideful mistake to make and many of the Jews had made that mistake. But that they were chosen to do something in this life, it’s not a chosen of pride, but chosen of responsibility. And when you know you have a special responsibility, it gives you a sense of purpose and belonging. I know that thought helped me particularly through my youth. My patriarchal blessing inspired me, the prophets and my church leaders inspired me, the scriptures inspired me. And I hope that thought will inspire you also. You are a chosen generation, you have been reserved for the last days for a special purpose, you are the youth of the noble birthright, you are the hope of Israel. Don’t forget that! And keeping that in mind, should help keep you from getting too discouraged.
Take a look at the following verses. Do you see a common message. What will help us through opposition and persecution?
1 Peter 1:3
1 Peter 1:8-9
1 Peter 1:13
1 Peter 1:21
Look to the future with hope. This life is not all there is. Things may be hard now, but they will get better! It’s nice to know that there is an end to the test. Like you felt that day at the end of each school year when you finished your last test or final and now it was summer, or the holidays. Such a burden lifted off your shoulders. You felt so free and excited. Well imagine that feeling times 1000. That’s what it’s going to feel like when we finish the test of life and pass! Just think of the worst trial anybody has ever faced in life. It would have to be Jesus right? Because his suffering encompasses all ours as well. And what did he eventually get to say? 3 beautiful words. IT IS FINISHED. I promise any of you out there who are suffering in any way that one day you will get to utter those same 3 words. It is finished. If Jesus got to say it, you certainly will as well.
Maybe our best weapon against criticism, opposition, and persecution. Our offense against what Joseph Smith refers to as "the whole concatenation of diabolical rascality”(D&C 123:5). What is the best way to silence our critics? Is it rational debate? Is it a media blitz? Is it putting them down and pointing out their faults and problems? Is it public debate? None of that , our best tactic comes from 2:12 and 2:15 and 3:16.
Q: Can you find our greatest response to opposition?
A: good works, well-doing, a good conscience, and good conversation.
That’s how we fight back. It’s like Peter is saying, yes I understand what they are saying about us. I know they are telling lies. Here’s how you counteract it. Live in such a way that others can’t help but say things like “I may not agree with the members of the Church of Jesus Christ, I may not like their doctrine, but dang, they are such good people. My member neighbor is my nicest, most loyal, most helpful neighbor. My member employee is my most reliable, honest, and hard working employee. The members of the church of Jesus Christ are the most generous, service oriented, and happy people that I know of. If we live that way, when our harshest critics try to demean or discredit us or slander our character, it won’t work. People will say “what you are describing doesn’t match my experience with these people, I can’t accept your accusations, your criticisms are not consistent with the reality of my experience. They will look at us and say “People say you guys are evil and fanatic, but your happiness and your example say otherwise.
Q: Have you ever seen somebody join the church because of the the good example of a righteous member?
Matthew 5:16 "let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and
glorify your father which is in heaven”.
So Peter will now give us instruction on how to silence our critics through good works. These are the things that well set us up as lights to the world. Here’s how we fight back. If I were teaching a class I would assign out one of the 10 following sets of verses and invite them to be prepared to share with everyone. And I encourage you to mark these things under the label: Fighting back through good works.
2:11 abstain from fleshly lusts
2:12 honest conversation
2:13-14. Be law abiding citizens.
2:16 Don’t use your freedom as an excuse for wrongdoing
2:17 Love one another
Joseph Smith said:
We ought always to be aware of those prejudices which sometimes so strangely present themselves, and are so congenial to human nature, against our friends, neighbors, and brethren of the world, who choose to differ from us in opinion and in matters of faith. Our religion is between us and our God. Their religion is between them and their God. There is a love from God that should be exercised toward those of our faith, who walk uprightly, which is peculiar to itself, but it is without prejudice; it also gives scope to the mind, which enables us to conduct ourselves with greater liberality towards all that are not of our faith, than what they exercise towards one another. (History of the Church, 3:303–4; paragraph divisions altered.)
2:18 Be good employees
2:21-23, 3:9 Don’t reward persecution with persecution
3:1-7 Have exemplary marriages.
3:15 Be always ready to testify of your hope in Christ
4:3-4 Don’t engage in the excess of the world
1 PETER 5-How do disciples of Christ do authority and leadership?
Feeds his flock
Doesn’t constrain or order people around
Are good examples of what they teach
Sober (in control)
They protect their flock from the lion (Satan)
Picking the Proper Prophets Activity:
I have written down a large number of qualities false prophets have that Peter is going to teach us. We’re going to read Peter’s words and your job will be to pick out the matching description of what a false prophet does in modern language. This activity will hopefully help you to see why it is so important to keep our focus on the true prophets and limit our contact with the prophets of the world.
So Pick the proper phrase that represents what the scripture is saying. And we’ll start with qualities of a true prophet.
How can you tell a true prophet?
A. They speak by the power of the Holy Ghost. It’s easy for you to feel the Spirit when they speak.
B. They consistently REMIND you of God’s truths
C. Their counsels are tried and tested, and bring light into your life
D. They don’t teach their own opinions and interpretations.
E. They remind you of God’s promises and help you fulfill your divine nature.
F. They teach you Christlike qualities and encourage you to develop them.
1:4 They remind you of God’s promises and help you fulfill your divine nature. E
1:5-7 They teach you Christlike qualities and encourage you to develop them. F
1:12-15 They consistently REMIND you of God’s truths. B
1:19 Their counsels are tried and tested, and bring light into your life. C
1:20 They don’t teach their own opinions and interpretations. D
1:21 They speak by the power of the Holy Ghost. It’s easy for you to feel the Spirit when they speak. A
How can you tell a false prophet?
A. Their desire to repent is fleeting and they quickly return to their old ways.
B. They tell lies based on a kernel of truth, maybe even from the scriptures.
C. They talk badly about the straight and narrow path. They tell you rules are lame!
D. They have filthy mouths and speak of disturbing things.
E. They despise any type of authority: parents, teachers, church leaders, law enforcement
F. They slowly try to introduce damaging ideas into your life.
G. They tell you what you want to hear to get money from you.
H. They promise you freedom and ease, while leading you into addiction and loss.
2:1 They slowly try to introduce damaging ideas into your life. F
2:2 They talk badly about the straight and narrow path. They tell you rules are lame! C
2:3 They tell you what you want to hear to get money from you. G
2:7 They have filthy mouths and speak of disturbing things. D
2:10 They despise any type of authority: parents, teachers, church leaders, law enforcement. E 2:19 They promise you freedom and ease, while leading you into addiction and loss. H
2:20,22 Their desire to repent is fleeting and they quickly return to their old ways. A
3:16 They tell lies based on a kernel of truth, maybe even from the scriptures. B
So there you have it, four ways to face the opposition and persecution of the latter days.
Remember that you are Segullah
Find hope in the promise of an end to all suffering through Christ
Silence the critics by your good works
Pick the proper prophets.
I’m certain that if we do these four things, there is no criticism we cannot deflect, no opposition we cannot confront, and no persecution we cannot endure. With the help of past, present, and future prophets, we will overcome all in the end.