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Lesson Plan for Acts 10-15

Benjamin Wilcox

Updated: Feb 3, 2020


What is the strangest dream you’ve ever had?


Today we’ll take a look at a fascinating dream or vision that Peter has in Acts 10  that will change everything for the early Christian church and really the rest of history. Peter has been preaching to Jews throughout Judea and has made his way to the seaside village of Joppa. The same place (interestingly, in light of the meaning of the story, where Jonah tried to flee from his mission call to the Ninevites). He is staying with a man named Simon the Tanner in a house by the seaside.  


Q: See if you can find how Peter is feeling before this dream comes in vs. 9-10.

A: Very hungry


Have a volunteer read the vision for the group in Acts 10:11-16. 


Footnote 14a  Leviticus 11 


There is another very important character in this story that I need to introduce you to. 

Q: Does anybody know who the first Rock star of the New Testament was? 

A: The answer is in vs. 1: Cornelius and his Italian Band.

Q: What do we learn about Cornelius in 

Acts 10:1, 2, and 22.

Centurion, or a soldier in the Roman army

He’s a devout man, or a religious faithful man

He fears (or respects) God

He gives alms, so he’s charitable

He prays

He’s just

It’s repeated that he fears God

Of good report 


What happens to him? As the teacher read, vs. 3-8


 “God chooses to work through his chosen earthly ministers”

And I think that can apply to us. We may be praying for some answer from God, and I do believe that he often will answer our prayers directly, but we shouldn’t rule out the possibility that he may prefer to answer us through his chosen leaders. So maybe we should go to a bishop, or parent, or search the words of the living prophets for our counsel and answers. He will often help YOU through THEM.


Acts 10:17-26

These two men meet, Peter the Jewish Fisherman, and Cornelius the Roman Centurion. Have your students picture that moment. It’s one of the most pivotal and beautiful encounters in history. You couldn’t have two men from more different backgrounds than these two.  Remind them that typically the Romans despised the Jews and the Jews in turn hated the Romans and saw them as oppressors and conquerors. Peter even reminds us that it was unlawful for a Jew to keep company with somebody of another nation. Cornelius falls at Peter’s feet, to which Peter responds by lifting him up and saying that he is only a man. And Cornelius and all his household are standing there wanting to hear Peter’s message. And Peter gets it. He understands the dream. 


Q: Do you understand the meaning of the dream? What do you think it means?

A: Let’s check your answer in Acts 10:28— I should not call any man common or unclean


Lets flesh that message out in a couple of other verses. He’s going to say basically the same thing in 5 different ways to make sure we get it.  See if you can find the message phrase in the following verses as well:

:34 God is no respecter of persons

:35 In every nation, he that feareth him and worketh righteousness is accepted with him

:36 He is Lord of all

:45 on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost


One: The Messiah will come to save us from the oppressing power of Rome.

Two: The Messiah will save us by the power of his military might.

Three: The Messiah will come to save all Jewish people


One: Christ came to save us from sin and death, not Roman Soldiers

Two: Christ saves by the power of his atonement and resurrection, not military strength

Christ came to save ALL people

And who did God choose to represent that change, that opening of his truth and power to all the world? A Roman Centurion, living in the city of Ceasarea, I mean the name of the city itself represents all that the Jews despised. And not just a Roman, but a Roman soldier, A person that above all else represented the type of person they originally thought the Messiah would come to save them from, not come to save. And the world changes from this moment on. This beautiful and critical moment where a Roman Centurion felt that a Jewish fisherman had something of value to give to him. And a Jewish fisherman that felt a Roman Centurion was worth giving it to. 

And Peter willingly gives him that beautiful gift, and through Cornelius, he gave it to all of us, not just the gift of the Holy Ghost and baptism. But the gift of the Jewish people. All those wonderful stories from the Old Testament topped off by the teachings and ministry of the Savior himself.  All that light, and truth, and power that God had poured into that tiny nation for centuries was now ready for the world. And God from the previous chapter has just the man to do it. Paul, more than anybody else will grasp the vision of this change and spread that message throughout the ancient world.  


Q: What message do you see for us in this chapter? 

Possible Answers:

We should spread the gospel to all people

God directs his church through inspired leaders

Church policies can change

We need to guard ourselves against prejudice

We should not place racial, religious, economic, moral, political walls between ourselves and those we would share the gospel with.

We should accept all revelations and instructions from the prophet, even those that are challenging


Q: How did Peter accept this revelation in Acts 10:29?

A: Without gainsaying (argument or rebuttal) 

As soon as I was sent for (without hesitation)

Also Acts 12:12-17 The story of Rhoda.  With Joy


Testify of the principles which your class has particularly discussed and the blessings you have received for following them.


Acts 11

Peter announces the policy change on teaching Gentiles to the church in Jerusalem and rehearses his vision to them.

Members of the church begin to call themselves Christians


Acts 12:1-2 James and Herod

Acts 12:3-11 Peter and Herod

Q: What do you notice in the comparison?

A: James gets killed by the sword, while an angel rescues Peter.  


Why did Peter get an angel to rescue him, but James gets the sword? And for that matter, why do Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego walk through the fiery furnace unscathed, but Abinadi burns? Why do Joseph and Hyrum get killed in Carthage Jail, but John Taylor and Willard Richards survive? It seems that sometimes God rescues his prophets and other times he allows others to hurt or kill them? WHY? Is it because God loved Peter more than James? Peter was more worthy than James? Peter was more important than James? Or some other reason?


God protects people until their work is done.

Mosiah 11:26, Mosiah 13:3, 9, Alma 14:13

God honors the agency of others, even when it hurts good people.

Alma 14:10-11

One of the purposes of life is to experience pain and suffering.

2 Nephi 2:11, D&C 136:31


How about you? 

What have “sword” experiences taught you? 

What have “angel” experiences taught you?


13:3 Fast and pray

13:4 They follow the Spirit

13:6-12 They help others recognize false prophets. 

13:14-43 Knows the scriptures and he teaches from them.

13:32, 52 They declare glad tidings. They are positive in their teaching.

14:3 They speak boldly, and give testimony of the word of grace

14:8-10 Seek to heal others, through priesthood blessings and spiritual healing as well.

14:11-18 Humble and give God the glory. 

14:19-22 Determined and diligent


There is a big question that has to be resolved in the church. With the announcement that Gentiles will now be accepted into the church, some of the members of the church feel that before you can become a good Christian, you have to become a good Jew first. You see that debate right in vs 1. They say that Gentiles must be circumcised first before they can join the church, and without going into detail about circumcision, you can imagine that these grown men Gentiles aren’t too keen on the idea. There logic kind of went like this. They felt that since all the first Christians were Jews first, that a Gentile had to become a Jew first, then they could become a Christian. While others are saying, no, you don’t have to take that middle step, you can go right to becoming a Christian as a Gentile. 


How does the Church of Jesus Christ deal with tough issues?

15:5 Leaders of the church come together to discuss the matter

15:6 Disputing (maybe not the best word) But they discuss it together. 

15:7-11 Peter reveals the will of God, he is speaking for God here.

15:15 The words of the prophets today will always agree with the scriptures.

15:23 They write letters to us.

    * Proclamation on the Family, the Living Christ, frequent letters for bishops to read.

15:25 “one accord” They are united in their decisions.

15:36 They “visit” the members to “see how they do”.


Through discussion and direct revelation through his prophet, God guides the church through difficult decisions.


Q: Can you think of any examples of some major decisions made in the church that probably came as a result of a pattern just like this? 

A:Two hour church, changing of home teaching to the ministering program, decision to leave the Boy Scout organization, etc.


Testify of your gratitude that we are led by God through living prophets.

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Aug 07, 2019

I really enjoy your thoughts and insights for the lessons. You have given me additional tools to utilize in my lessons. I appreciate your hard work and kindness in sharing this with other members.


Jul 21, 2019

This is awesome! Thank you for your insight! As a new teacher it is helpful to hear/see how things can be taught. I just happened to come across your youtube page accidentally and glad that I decided to listen . I did share that with several others. I have so enjoyed studying the NT again. Looking forward to your others :)


Jul 20, 2019

thank you for the great insights


Jul 16, 2019

This is so helpful. Thank you!


Jul 16, 2019

Thank you for your generosity!💖 I am sharing the lessons with everyone on our ward's Facebook page!

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