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Lesson Plan for James

Benjamin Wilcox

Updated: Feb 3, 2020


Jesus’s half brother

He probably knew Christ better than any of the other writers in the New Testament.

Probably the first Bishop of Jerusalem

Jesus made a special appearance to him after He was resurrected (1 Corinthians 15:7)


Display a mirror

Q:What do you use a mirror for? 

A: To show us what we look like.

Help us fix flaws and improve our appearance.

Q: James compares a  mirror to what in James 1:22-25?

A: It’s in verse 25. The answer is “the perfect law of liberty”. Which has to be one of the best synonyms for "The Gospel" anywhere. 

Joseph Fielding Smith tells us that: 

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is the perfect law of liberty [see James 1:25]; it will lead man to the highest state of glory and exalt him in the presence of our Heavenly Father if he is willing to listen to the counsels of those whom the Lord has appointed to guide them” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1968, 125). Joseph Fielding Smith.

What that phrase suggests to me are the two things that following God’s law will lead me to Perfection, and Liberty or freedom. Satan is all about bondage, and addiction, and a loss of agency, while God’s law is all about freedom, and joy, and an increased power to act.

 Two things I want you to consider about these verses: James 1:22-25

What does he call the two different kinds of people that look into the mirror?

What point do you feel James is trying to make with this object lesson?

A: So the two different people? hearers, and doers.

A: And what’s the point James is making? Here’s how I see it. One that is merely a hearer is like somebody who looks into the gospel, the perfect law of liberty, or comes in contact with God’s word, and sees who he is meant to be, but then walks away and completely forgets what he should reflect. He saw the changes that he needed to make, but then never makes any. He forgets the image. Every week you attend church, you are looking into the mirror, every time you study your scriptures, you are looking into the mirror, every time you listen to general conference, you are looking into the mirror. When you walk away from that mirror, do you remember the image you saw? Or do you quickly forget the type of person you are meant to be? On the other hand, the doer, looks into that mirror and sees who he is meant to be. But instead of forgetting, he “continues” therein. He walks away striving to become that image, to conform his thoughts and words and deeds to that image. And what is the outcome for that person? He’s blessed. 

Q: Who perfectly reflected the “Perfect Law of Liberty”?

A: Jesus Christ 


How can I reflect Christ better? How can I receive HIs image in MY countenance like Alma says in Alma 5:14?  AndYou’re going to be taught this from a man who knew Him better than almost anybody else at that time. A man who watched him daily throughout his life. James is going to teach you how to reflect Christ. Now you just go through and read the whole book of James with that in mind and you will find a blueprint for reflecting Christ. 


There are a lot of various counsels in James, but there are a few ideas that he seemed to gravitate more particularly towards and interestingly enough they all start with the letter W. I call them the W’s of James. Works, Words, Wealth, Wisdom, and the World. You’re going to see these ideas come up again and again in his writing. 


Before continuing, a quick note about James’s style. Now you all know how much I love Paul. And we have been studying his words for what the last 4 or 5 months? I hate to say it, but it’s kind of refreshing to hear the gospel preached from a different approach, a different personality. And James couldn’t be more different. Where Paul is very diplomatic,  careful, tactful and logical, James is very direct, commanding, imperative, and straightforward. I call James the Nike Apostle, you know what I mean by that.  Just do it. He’s all about action. He’s more about walking the walk, than just talking the talk. He’s not interested in theory, or opinion, or suggestions. He wants action.  Now this may be a bit of an exaggeration, but where Paul is a more of a gentle tug, James is a punch in the stomach. A loving punch in the stomach, but a punch nonetheless.  And I’m not saying that one way is better than the other. They’re just different, and some people may respond better to the Paul approach, and others to the James approach.  But more than anything, James wants us to be doers of the word. His older brother was a doer, he saw Him LIVE the Gospel. Jesus walked the walk and he expects us to do the same.

READ JAMES 2:14-18


  1. Choose at least one situation to work on

  2. Read James’s Scriptural Prescription

  3. Come up with an action plan

  • Are you suffering under many afflictions?  James 1:2-4

  • Do you lack wisdom in some area of your life or testimony? James 1:5-6

  • Are you excessively concerned about money? James 1:10-11

  • Are you currently wrestling with a particularly difficult temptation? James 1:12, 4:7-8

  • Do you have trouble controlling your tongue? James 1:19, 3:2-8

  • Do you find yourself often wrapped up in the fads, the entertainment, and the concerns of the world? James 1:21, 4:4

  • Do you treat people differently based on their income, appearance, or social status? James 2:1-9

  • Do you excuse yourself from living certain commandments and standards? James 2:10

  • Do you have trouble with swearing, vulgar and offensive language, or rude and demeaning criticism? James 3:10-12, 4:11, 5:12 

  • Is there somebody you care about deeply that is struggling right now? James 5:16


James 1:2-4

So, you’re facing a lot of trials, accept them!   In fact, I’ll take it a step further, find joy or at least acceptance in your trials, realizing that trials produce patience. And patience will eventually make you perfect and whole. Now I don’t want to minimize anybody’s trials, but It is unrealistic to expect a trial free life. This life is not for “happily ever after”, that phrase is reserved for the next life. One who reflects Christ recognizes the value of affliction. Some people say, I’m waiting for God to help me, James is saying, God is waiting for you to start moving so he can help you.  

Like Joseph Smith said: 

“I am like a huge, rough stone rolling down from a high mountain; and the only polishing I get is when some corner gets rubbed off by coming in contact with something else, striking with accelerated force against religious bigotry . . . backed by mobs, blasphemers, licentious and corrupt men and women—all hell knocking off a corner here and a corner there. Thus I will become a smooth and polished shaft in the quiver of the Almighty, (Discourse to Saints, May 1843; DHC 5:401.) So allow your trials to polish and perfect you. 


James 1:5-6

Now you could have a wonderful lesson about how this verse set in motion the Restoration of the church and that would be wonderful and fitting thing. However, since we’re focused on how the Book of James can change you. What does that verse mean for you?  Do you lack wisdom? Is your testimony faltering? Is there something you don’t understand or are you have doubts about some aspect of the church or gospel? Is there some guidance you are seeking? Well, do something about it. Ask God. Kneel down in prayer and ask him. But ask in faith, nothing wavering. And I think you can read that in two ways. Is could be, have faith that you will receive an answer. But it could also mean that you are asking with faith with the intention to act on the answer if it is received. Joseph Smith is such a good example of this. He said "12 Never did any passage of ascripture come with more power to the heart of man than this did at this time to mine. It seemed to enter with great force into every feeling of my heart. I reflected on it again and again, knowing that if any person needed bwisdom from God, I did; for how to act I did not know,”  But once he did receive his answer, he certainly acted on it. Moroni said to pray with real intent. Intent to act on the answer. So pray. Don’t just sit around lamenting the fact you don’t have a testimony if you don’t have the will to take the effort to seek for it.


James 1:10-11

Now you could also include 5:1-6 with this one, but I’m not going to put them here. They’re a little harsh. He kind of goes off on the rich and maybe that’s because it was a particular problem in the congregations he was teaching.  But, don’t worry, there are enough other verses in the scriptures that teach us it is possible to be rich and righteous. It’s just hard. So if your heart is set on riches, what do you need to do? You need to recognize the true value of wealth. It is fleeting. Like the sun withers away the grass, your riches can be here today, and gone tomorrow. It will not last forever. And even if you don’t lose them in this life, you can’t take them with you. Your wealth will perish along with you. You’re bank account, the size of your house, your bottom line, will mean absolutely nothing in the next life. The person that reflects Christ, understands that wealth is just not that important. Think about Jesus, was he worried about wealth? No. He spent his life walking the dusty roads of Judea teaching and relying on His father to provide the necessities of life. 


James 1:12, 4:7

So what do you need to do? Resist temptation. Just say no. I know the JST changes it to resist temptation, but I also like the word endure. We need to learn to resist and endure temptation. We have to resist time and time again, and endure the temptation to the end. Saying no once will not be enough. Don’t let your guard down.  The best way to get rid of temptation is not to give into it, but to resist it. And what does the Lord promise those that resist? The crown of life. That could be eternal life, it could also mean, a good life here. Also, the devil will flee from you. There are certain temptations that the devil has just given up on with me.  For example. Satan does not try to tempt me with breaking the Word of Wisdom. It’s not hard for me. I don’t feel pulled in that direction at all. I think Satan has recognizes that that just isn’t going to work on me. Now he’s got plenty of other areas to work with, but he’s not stupid. He’s not going to waste his time on something that has no possibility of success. Now if I could just have that same resolve and attitude in all areas of my life, maybe he’d leave me alone completely. So, tell Satan to get lost. You’ve got better things to do with your time.


James 1:19, 3:2-8

Unfortunately most of us do just the opposite, we’re swift to speak, slow to hear. Have you ever heard the saying: God gave you two ears, but only one mouth, that’s because you ought to listen twice as much as you speak. The art of being a good listener is essential in reflecting Christ. As I read the gospels, I get the sense that Jesus did a lot of listening and observing. Many of his teachings were short, concise, and to the point. Think about the story of the woman taken in adultery. He hardly says anything in that story. 3-4 sentences is all, and yet, through it, he teaches one of the most impactful messages of his ministry. He was always asking questions, and then listening carefully and intently to the answers people gave him.  Like Stephen R. Covey has suggested, Seek first to understand, then to be understood.  Case in point, your ears will always get you into less trouble than your tongue. Perhaps it really is preferable to let the cat to get your tongue.

Then 3:2-8

It’s pretty clear that James felt the tongue had a lot of power for evil and destruction. Look at all the things he compares it to. Fire, wild beasts, poison. I mean, look what Hitler’s tongue was able to do, or Stalin, or Mao. These tyrants had a  great ability to speak and to speak well and powerfully, and with that ability, they caused a lot of pain and destruction in our world. Perhaps you've seen the destructive power of the tongue in your own life. Our tongues are powerful. 

So what should you DO?  Control your tongue. Bridle your tongue, use it like a rudder to steer your whole body in the right direction. If you can learn to control your tongue, it will be far easier to control your actions. 


James 1:21,27 4:4

You too wrapped up in the world? What can you do about it? Lay it aside, get rid of the superfluity of naughtiness, or the overabundance of malice or evil as the footnote suggests. And turn to the word. Stop opening the worldly magazines and start opening your scriptures. Stop watching crummy movies, and start watching general conference. Stop listening to the celebrities and social media personalities, and start listening to the Spirit. Lay aside the naughtiness, and pick up the goodness, with meekness. A member of the church should be different from the world. 


To be a religious person is to be different from the world.

And then 4:4

So, you can’t have it both ways. Stop trying to serve two masters. Don’t live one way on Sunday, and then another way the rest of the week. 


James 2:1-9

What should you do to reflect Christ here? Treat all people the same. Do we serve missions in foreign countries saying how much we loved the people, but then get upset and unaccepting when similar people move into our neighborhoods and communities here at home. Do we only gravitate towards people that are LIKE US? Jesus didn’t do that. Jesus did not care if you were rich or poor, male or female, bond or free. He accepted anyone who was willing to listen and learn. Let’s do the same. Listen to James, fulfill the ROYAL LAW, Love your neighbor as yourself. 


James 2:10

Now you have to be careful with this one. I don’t think he means that if you aren’t perfect in all areas of the law, then you might as well be guilty of breaking every commandment in the law. If you look at it that way, you’ll just get discouraged and give up. But I don’t think that’s what he means. I think he means, don’t let obedience in one part of the law excuse disobedience in another part of the law. Don’t say, you know, I watch all kinds of terrible movies and television programs, but hey, I don’t break the Word of Wisdom. Or, yeah, I may not hardly ever go to church, but hey, I do pay my tithing. Or, I’m a pretty decent member of the church most of the time, so what if I go gambling a couple a times a year. It’s our attitude towards the commandments that matters. Strive to live all of God’s commandments. You won’t be perfect in them, but don’t justify sin in one area of the law because of obedience in another.


James 3:10-12, 4:11, 5:12 

So some more counsel on our words, here. The taming of the tongue. 

A question for you here: Is there consistency in the way you use your tongue? Does the same tongue that gives a priesthood blessing,  later make violent threats to his fellowman? Does the same tongue that sings a lullaby to a baby, later spread gossip and rumor about a neighbor? Does the same tongue that blesses the sacrament, later tell a dirty joke? Does the same tongue that utters a prayer to God, later demean and criticize a family member? Does the same tongue that bears testimony of the gospel of Christ, later curse and swear at a coworker?  My opinion about these kinds of situations is the same as James, “My brethren, these things ought not so to be”. A fountain can’t produce both sweet and bitter water at the same time. It’s not natural. Neither is using your tongue in a heavenly way, and then an evil way.  Like my Mom used to say: "If you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all”. 


James 5:16

So somebody you love needs help. Do something! And one of those things you can do is pray for them. In your opinion, is saying “I’ll pray for you” an empty gesture, or can prayer really make a difference?  I believe that it is not an empty gesture. James tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. That is the miracle of prayer. Is it possible that a person on his knees next to his bed can have an actual real life effect on another person far from that location. Simply put, YES. It can and does make a difference. Our prayers can alter the natural course of human events. And we may not always know when it does, because we just don’t know the way things may have happened differently had we not prayed. We only know what does happen, not what could have happened. So keep praying! Thoughts and prayers mean something. 


You want to reflect the Savior? Then:

  • Recognize that your afflictions will perfect and polish you.

  • Pray with faith when you lack wisdom

  • Realize that wealth just isn’t that important

  • Resist and endure temptation

  • Bridle your tongue. Listen more than you speak.

  • Keep yourself unspotted from the world

  • Treat all people the same

  • Don’t allow your obedience in one area, excuse disobedience in another.

  • Be consistent in the use of your tongue. 

  • Pray fervently 


Now you know what James wants you to DO. So, the real question, are you going to DO anything about it. Which of the two mirror people are you going to be right now? Are you going to walk away from the “perfect law of liberty” that we’ve just been looking at for the last 30 minutes and forget what manner of person you are? Are you going to be a mere hearer? Or are you going to be a doer. And I don’t know how appropriate it is to end with a Micheal Jackson lyric, but here goes.

I’m starting with the man in the mirror, 

I’m asking him to change his ways. 

And no message could have been any clearer,

If you want to make the world a better place, 

take a look at yourself and make a change. 

And I believe that you can make a change. Start with the person in the mirror. 

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